New Kit Day
When fitness meets fashion, I’m one happy lady.
The bib shorts have a hook-up for easy access when nature calls, the middle back pocket has a hole for my headphones, the material features cold fabric technology, the design is absolutely stunning and there is a matching Evade helmet. Check, check and check!
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Chattanooga Adventures
Sometimes you get up on a Saturday morning to take a day trip and meet your best friend in an unfamiliar city for coffee, breakfast and a walk down the Tennessee river. The morning air was crisp and cooler than the summer heat I’m used to in Atlanta, not by much, but enough to enjoy sitting outside for a good southern meal. After we went our separate ways, I pedaled around Chattanooga. I’ve only visited one other time, to watch the US Pro Nationals, so I took a few hours to explore and enjoy a beautiful Saturday afternoon.
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This one is for the ladies!
This one is for the ladies. In a predominately male dominated sport, I raise a toast with my bidon to the badass girls out there who ride bikes.
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Patience While Racing
I’m still learning patience while racing. My adrenaline tells my brain to go, go, go but my legs remind me to wait.
During the road race, one of my awesome teammates did a lot of the work on Saturday and we were able to control the pace for the first part of the race. I managed to get in a break on the last lap, but lost the front two girls once again (I’m really going to work on this because this is twice now). I snagged third during a sprint, but I’m going back and forth as to why I keep getting dropped once I get in a break. Mental or physical? Probably both. Regardless, it’s such a bittersweet feeling to get away from the peloton only to find yourself in no mans land.
Feeling good going into today’s crit (perhaps a little too good), I did not remember patience. Although not a large group, I was hesitant to be in the back incase of a crash, so I stayed up front entirely too much. On the last lap, the girl who won yesterday took off and I responded immediately. I ended up sprinting entirely too early and got swarmed at the last 500 meters. I have SO much to learn, but damn, I love racing my bike.
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New Routes
It’s always worth it to detour during a ride and explore new places.
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Go Exploring
Somedays you leave the cycling kit at home and go exploring with your friends.
Finally setting aside time to put on sneakers and commuter clothes, one of my best friends and I decided to pedal around the city. Because my mind isn’t so focused on training, I stumble upon places I’ve never been before during the most beautiful time of day. Although I love training and racing, I was reminded that it’s so wonderful to slow down, catch up with friends and enjoy my surroundings.
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Daily Essentials
My daily essentials include quite a bit, and to be honest, the list could go on. I’m clearly a girly girl and had a hard time narrowing it down, because lets face it – ladies carry around a lot more than most guys do (or maybe it’s just me). By day I work in the fashion industry and when I’m not working, I’m training or racing my bike. So, as you can see it takes a lot in order to keep this “dual” lifestyle going. For me a good pair of leggings is key. They can be dressed up or down which allows me to go from yoga straight to a meeting by throwing on my leather jacket, LV and lipstick. My Amira has taken training and racing to another level, my Garmin helps me keep track of it all and the chamois creme is a must. The camera, business cards, and iPad are for work and the other items include my favorite perfume, nail polish, snack, hair product and book. Take a look below for the detailed list.
Specialized Amira SL4 Expert Lululemon Edition
Hoo Ha Ride Glide (Chamois cream for cycling)
Nikon D800 Camera
Zara Faux Leather Jacket
Garmin Edge 510 Cycling Computer
Business Cards and CB2 camera-shaped card holder
Birkenstocks “Arizona” Sandle
Specialized S-Works Womens Road Cycling Shoes
Onzie Mesh Panel Leggings
UO Festival Round Sunglasses in Tortoise
Manual For Speed Psych Zebra One Bidon
iPhone 6+
Lululemon Yoga Mat
Moleskin Notebook
Eckhart Tolle – The Power of Now
The Art of Happiness – The Dalai Lama/Howard Cutler
Louis Vuitton Eva Clutch
In Purse:
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
Redken Guts 10 Volume Spray Foam
Butter London Nail Lacquer
L’Oreal Infallible Lipstick
Kind Bar Dark Chocolate Cherry Cashew
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Do you stop and take a photo?
The morning sun has just risen and is barely peeking through the trees creating a stunning visual in front of you. Do you stop and take a photo or do you finish your ride exactly as your training plan says that you’re suppose to?
This internal conflict between wanting to stop and capture the moment and nailing my workout is a constant struggle.
Read the original post on Find Your Fast.