This year of Georgia Cyclocross has been amazing. I've had the opportunity to meet some new people and spend another series with old friends. I can honestly say that I'm totally wiped and I'm dozing off writing this, but not without giving a little recap first. Today was the GACX season finale and we all raced our hearts out. Many series points were close and it came down to todays race. After it was all over, the series podiums happened, champagne was sprayed, and awards were given out. Rhys May Jewelry handmade the awards for another year and they turned out so rad. Not too much mud or blood today, but Maria. who won the Women's Elite race, managed to rock it out with her booty out for the finish. All of the Elite ladies are fantastic athletes and I hope to race with them next season! Thanks to everyone in GACX who made the series happen and to all of my sponsors for everything this season! I managed to snag 2nd in the Women's Cat 4 series and finish out the year with sore legs. Now it's time to take a weeks off the bike before I start training for road. Goodnight! 

Look how cute the Elite Women's podium is! Love it. 

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FOOD Mae Lutz FOOD Mae Lutz

Easy Healthy Smoothie with Berries, Oats + Seeds

I'm lucky to date a health freak who sometimes rubs off on me. Otherwise, I might only workout to eat chocolate and pizza. Which I mean, I do, but sometimes I remember that I should fuel my body with a bit more nutrients. So now I present my favorite smoothie that Zach has been making for over a year. 

Ingredients: (serves 1)

- 4oz Milk (I used Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk)
- 8oz Acai Juice (I bet this would be good to freeze into ice cubes and make this super cold)
- 1/4 cup Old Fashioned Oats
- 1 1/2 tablespoons Chia Seeds
- 1/2 tablespoon Flaxseed
- 2/3 cup frozen mixed berries
- couple dashes of cinnamon (I personally don't think you can have too much, maybe 1 tablespoon or less if I had to guess)

*sometimes I add in chocolate protein powder or a banana. 

Toss everything in a blender until smooth and enjoy! That's it! 

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My Skincare Journey with Peels (Progress : 2 months)

Hey everyone! 

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I would be posting about my struggle with acne so here we are! Please note that I had never planned to share this process with anyone as I was too embarrassed about my skin, therefore, if I seem a little short with my descriptions, it's because I'm still learning and this is definitely an "in-progress" post. Because of this, I am limited to what photos of the process I have to show you (because I wasn't prancing around taking selfies on bad skin days - haha), but I think I found a few that get the point across. Regardless, I'm so happy with my results in just two months that I want to share it with you. PLUS! One of my favorite products that I use, Revision Intellisade, has generously given me 10 tubes for my giveaway next week so stay tuned for that! Alright let's get into it. As always, these are 100% my own thoughts and opinions.



My struggle with acne began around 13 years old. I'll be 27 in a few weeks so it's about time that I get this sorted out! 

Previous treatments I tried: creams (both prescribed and over the counter), prescribed pills, going on a dairy free diet, and even having a consultation about Acutane only to go through the entire process with blood work and deciding this was not the route I wanted to go. 

The initial problem I wanted to fix: Hyperpigmentation and cystic acne

Consultation: I found out about Brandi Altrichter because we are in the same cycling club together and so many girls raved about the wonders she had done for them. She works at her own private practice called Boost Beauty here in Atlanta. She analyzes your skin, asks you all kinds of questions and tells you want you need to do to start addressing the issue. P.S. Brandi is awesome and is also a fellow cyclist!! 

Pre-Peel Treatment: I got started with a new skin care regimen from MyBody and used isClinical serum day and night. She gave me a few other things I should be doing to help balance out my PH with apple cider vinegar and aloe. I did this for a few weeks to try and control my acne.

My First Peel: Steaming, extractions, the peel, and lovely post peel products. The steaming is fine, it is exactly what it sounds like - a lot of steam in your face. The extractions, well that is the worst part in my opinion. It's having your face squeezed on with gloves, tissues and a needle if anything needed to be lanced. I had way more than I even realized. After the extractions I had the peel put on my face. This part is very quick and it only burns for a very short amount of time. After the peel you get what I consider a sweet little facial when she puts on all kinds of good smelling and nice serums and lotions. *Note, I have had peels from different brands and I only like PCA. This is just my personal opinion and what worked for me and my skin. If you've had a peel in the past and didn't like it, maybe consider a different brand. I have never, ever had the results that you see Samantha had in Sex in the City. This peel is NOTHING to that degree. 

Post Peel: The following day my face was red, almost brownish in color and the extractions kind of make you look like you had more acne than when you started. BUT DON'T WORRY, this will go away. The following day I began to peel, starting around my mouth, then forehead, then cheeks and lastly my neck. I'm not sure why it kind of goes in that order, but it did. I peeled "heavily" for two days and lightly peeled a third day. The peel doesn't hurt, but it's just kind of annoying. The way I can describe it is, when you put on a clay facemask and it starts to harden and you try to talk, but the mask pulls at your skin a little because it's tight. It's that feeling but for 48 hours. Not painful, just a little annoying. 

Downtime? I've read that people take off work to have this done, but I work in an office all day and race on the weekends. Personally, I just dealt with looking like a shedding snake. It's kind of embarrassing and I always feel the need to tell someone as soon as they see me what's going on. But after the initial interaction with a stranger or friends, I'm over it in 2 min. I mean, it's just skin, whatever. 

How many peels have you had? I had a peel done every two weeks where I had extractions 4 out of the 5 times.

Current Products I'm using:

- Mybody ERASE IT Clarifying + Anti-Aging Essentials (4 piece set with cleanser, refining gel, moisturizer and SPF)

- isClinical Active Serum (this is QUEEN of my skincare routine)

- Revision Dej Eye Cream

and for makeup base, I only use:
- Revision Intellishade (giving away 10 of these next week!)
- either GLO or PUR mineral makeup 

Next on the list that I want to fix : Black heads and scars. Although my acne is a lot more under control, it is the scars that drive me insane. That and what's up with these blackheads? Got to go.

What is next? As far as I know, we will still be doing extractions and peels. I was advised to get a Clarisonic so I put that on my Christmas list and I've heard Brandi mention that micro needling is in my future. Anyways, when I feel like I have new things to share with you guys about my journey, I'll do another progress post! 

If you want to contact Brandi, here is her info:

Brandi Altrichter RN, BSN

If you aren't in Atlanta and want to try a PCA Peel, you can use their locator via their website.

As always, if you have any questions, please comment below!



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24 Hours Before A CX Race.

Hi guys! My last race of the CX season is this Sunday, but I have to pack everything tomorrow (dual home living situation problems). Anyways, I thought I would go through what I do during the 24 hours leading up to my race. This is for CX and differs a bit from road, but you get the general idea. Also, this is just my personal routine, so take it as you will. Feel free to leave any additional tips in the comments below! 


Day Before:

- I mean this should be your goal everyday, but make sure you stay hydrated! On top of water throughout the day, I usually drink some Pedialyte the day/night before a race, too. 

- My ride for the day opens up my legs. Usually nothing too terribly long with some sprints thrown in. Aka whatever my coach tells me to do. More about him, here. 

- I clean my bike, shoes, kits, socks, etc. They are almost always dirty and you shouldn't show up with dirty gear, tisk tisk! Oh, and lube your chain. 

- Give you bike/gear a run down. This is a double check, NOT the first time you should be checking your bike for problems. An actual thorough run down of your gear should be done earlier in the week. Do NOT wait until the night before. Trust me, I date "King Bike Maintenance Procrastinator" who has run into mannnny problems because he waited until the night before. Don't do it, it's so stressful and you aren't always guaranteed to have it sorted out before the race.

- Pack everything food, drink and bike related! Bring two kits + socks incase you get your first one disgusting during warm up. PLENTY of water, any pre or post race fuel/hydration/recovery. Don't forget your number (if you're in a series) and license (I mean you should really just use the app)! I tend to overpack since I'll be at the venue all day watching everyone race after me. I'm prepared for rain or shine to ensure optimum spectator comfort as well as race comfort! Some of what is in my bag can be found, here. 

- Carb up at dinner time. I tend to go for pasta and broccoli, and I totally stay clear of cheese. It's usually some sort of variation of this. Everyone obviously goes for different things and this is the one for me. Oh and my breakfast and lunch are pretty standard, nothing fancy or out of the norm for me. 

- Shower and shave your legs! I hate showing up with hairy legs, I feel like I've ruined my race day if I do. It's my weird thing, I know. 

- Go ahead and plug the race venue address into your GPS to see how long it will take to get there. Set your alarm accordingly. I give myself drive time PLUS two hours before my race. 

- Get some good sleep! Night, night!

Race Day:

- Eat breakfast. For me it's oatmeal and espresso. More about what I eat, here. 

- Pack the car, get your GPS going, and you're off!

- Don't forget to turn on some good pump up music. Insert rap music here. 

- Like I said, I give myself 2 hours at the venue before my race to get ready. This is my personal preference because I want to handle my business before the race and not be frantic. Plus this gives me a buffer time incase anything sudden goes wrong with traffic, long check in line, warm up, getting dressed, etc, etc.

Alright, at this point you're at the race venue

- Go register asap! You never know what the line will be like. 

- Go to the bathroom. I'm serious because if you don't, the line will be so long and you'll be that person at the start line thinking "damn, I need to pee" and that is just the worst. 

- Get your tire pressure situated. 

- Check out the course and pre ride! Pay attention to turns, course features, best lines, etc

- Put spare wheels and bike in the pit. I don't do this, but if you have extra stuff, go for it. 

- Pin on race number, kit up, adjust tire pressure if needed, etc

- WATCH THE CLOCK and get to the start line early. Unless you have call-ups, you need to make sure you get a good starting position. 

Ok, now you're at the start line

- Is your Garmin started and are you in the right gear? Check. 

- Lastly, PMA. Tell yourself you are going to win. YOU ARE GOING TO WIN, YOU HEAR ME??


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Need some last minute gift ideas? I've compiled a list with three different price brackets and everything can be found on the Specialized website. (Tip: use their search bar if you can't find something). There is something for the female cyclist in your life between $12-$400 - some items are even on clearance! Most items have several color options, so if you love something but would rather see it in another color, make sure you head on over to and see if they have what you're looking for. (Pssst, if you happen to wander that way, look for me because a little birdy told me that a photo of me is floating around on their website somewhere! eek!) Also, these are all items that I've tried and love, so if you have any questions about anything, please leave it in the comment section below. Happy holidays!!


GIFT GUIDE : $0-$30

22 OZ Purist Watergate Bottle - $12.00

Turbo Presta Valve Tube with Talc - $19.00

Rib Cage II - $20.00

Bandit - $25.00

Women's Grail Long Finger Glove (on clearance) - $26.88

Stix Sport Headlight - $30.00

Stix Sport Tail light - $30.00

GIFT GUIDE : $30-$100

S-Wrap HD Tape - $35.00

Women's Grail Short Finger Glove in Blue and Pink - $35.00

Women's Therminal™ 2.0 Arm Warmers - $45.00

Rib Cage II with Tool - $50.00

All Condition Armadillo Elite Tire - $55.00

Element 1.5 Glove - $60.00

Women's Therminal™ 2.0 Leg Warmers - $60.00

Women's Utility Crew in Emerald and in Carbon - $60.00

Women's Engineered Sleeveless Tech Layer - $60.00

Women's Engineered Short Sleeve Tech Layer - $70.00

Women's SL Pro Jersey Team Black/Red (on clearance) - $75.00

Women's RBX Sport Long Sleeve Jersey - $75.00

Turbo Cotton Tire (wheel not included) - $80.00

Power Comp Saddle (not pictured - is AMAZING) - $100

GIFT GUIDE : $100-$400

Women's Deflect™ Hybrid jacket Emerald - $130.00

Women's Deflect™ Hybrid jacket Neon Pink - $130.00

Women's Therminal™ Mountain Jersey - $130.00

Women's Therminal L/S Jersey in Emerald - $140.00

Womens SL Pro Jersey - $150.00

Women's Utility Hoodie with Hood Grey - $150.00

Women's Utility Hoodie with Hood Black - $150.00

Womens SL Pro Bib Short - $180.00

Women's Utility Reversible Vest - $180.00

S-Works Prevail - $200.00

S-Works Women's Evade Helmet - $225.00

Women's Element 1.5 WINDSTOPPER® Jacket - $225.00

S-Works Women's Road shoe (on clearance!) - $299.52

Women’s S-Works XC MTB (or CX) shoe - $400.00

*Prices on the Specialized website are current as of 12/15/15

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My idea of a good rest night + Exciting news!

Normally when I get home from work I rush home and immediately get on the bike, but on Mondays I get to take things a little slower. Yesterday I cleaned the house, went to sushi, caught up on some retouching and lazed around until it was time to go to bed. My favorite part is cuddling up in my cozy Happy Socks (PS, I have a discount code for you below!) with a Wafel and Honey Zinger tea. This is where I usually plan out the rest of my week or catch up on my addiction of YouTube videos. As uneventful as rest days can be, it's a much needed day of the week for me personally. I know some people can go nonstop with working out all week, but I love having Mondays off to catch up on other life stuff. Do you guys have rest days? What do you usually do on them?

P.S. My addiction to socks is getting more intense every month and for the first time ever I have a discount code for you! If you want some Happy Socks for you, or to gift as a present this month, I have a 15% off code AND free shipping when you use the code HAPPYMAE at checkout! Valid until 12/31/15.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has been following along on my blog this month! I'm super excited to announce that I've teamed up with a few amazing brands to have giveaways the week leading up to Christmas! I've never ever done a giveaway before and I can't wait to share with you guys the stuff that I love!!
Brands that will be apart of the giveaway:
Specialized (2 winners)
Oakley (3 winners)
Pur Cosmetics (1 winner)
Revision Skincare (10 winners)
RipVan Wafels (several winners, but not sure exactly how many yet)

Details will come soon, but stay tuned on how to win starting on Monday! 

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FOOD Mae Lutz FOOD Mae Lutz

Vegan Funfetti Cupcakes


Hi hello! Today I'm talking about vegan cupcakes! I happen to date a vegan and his dad is dairy-free so I decided to whip something up that they can't usually eat! They are super yummy and sweet with a Christmas spin on them. (P.S. you should make sure that the person whose house you're making these at has a cupcake pan so you don't have to go to Publix to buy one last minute, hah!)

Serves 12 Regular Size Cupcakes



  • 1 cup non-dairy milk + 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) vegan butter (such as Earth Balance), softened
  • scant 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/3 cup rainbow sprinkles + more for topping


  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) vegan butter, softened
  • 2 1/2 - 3 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • Splash non-dairy mil


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line a standard muffin holder with 12 paper liners.
  2. Whisk the milk and vinegar in a measuring cup and set aside for a few minutes to get curdled.
  3. Add softened butter to the bowl and mix. Then add sugar and vanilla and beat until fluffy.
  4. Sift in the following ingredients: 1 cup flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and then remaining 1/2 cup flour. Blend until smooth. 
  5. Add sprinkles and gently stir with a mixing spoon.
  6. Divide evenly among cupcake holders making sure NOT to overfill. Mine were a little over 3/4 full. 
  7. Bake on a center rack at 350 for 20-24 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. 
  8. Let cool completely on a cooling rack. In the meantime, prepare frosting.
  9. In a large mixing bowl add softened butter and beat until light and fluffy. Then add vanilla and mix once more.
  10. Add powdered sugar 1/2 cup at a time and continue mixing until thick and creamy. Drizzle in a little non-dairy milk to thin. You want this frosting to be very thick so it will hold its shape once on the cupcakes.
  11. Once cooled, frost cupcakes and top with sprinkles. Serve immediately. Store leftovers covered at room temperature or refrigerated.

    *Big thanks to Minimalist Baker for this recipe !
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I feel like you all have seen me in my favorite kit a hundred times, so lets hear it for Sweetpea looking real cute in my get up. Surprisingly she loved the jersey and buff, but we had to do a little bribing with treats to get her to sit still with the helmet on. I didn't feel well at all yesterday so I had to make use of my gear somehow. <3 I hope everyone has been having an amazing weekend and that this puts a smile on your face! 

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