This year of Georgia Cyclocross has been amazing. I've had the opportunity to meet some new people and spend another series with old friends. I can honestly say that I'm totally wiped and I'm dozing off writing this, but not without giving a little recap first. Today was the GACX season finale and we all raced our hearts out. Many series points were close and it came down to todays race. After it was all over, the series podiums happened, champagne was sprayed, and awards were given out. Rhys May Jewelry handmade the awards for another year and they turned out so rad. Not too much mud or blood today, but Maria. who won the Women's Elite race, managed to rock it out with her booty out for the finish. All of the Elite ladies are fantastic athletes and I hope to race with them next season! Thanks to everyone in GACX who made the series happen and to all of my sponsors for everything this season! I managed to snag 2nd in the Women's Cat 4 series and finish out the year with sore legs. Now it's time to take a weeks off the bike before I start training for road. Goodnight! 

Look how cute the Elite Women's podium is! Love it. 

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24 Hours Before A CX Race.

Hi guys! My last race of the CX season is this Sunday, but I have to pack everything tomorrow (dual home living situation problems). Anyways, I thought I would go through what I do during the 24 hours leading up to my race. This is for CX and differs a bit from road, but you get the general idea. Also, this is just my personal routine, so take it as you will. Feel free to leave any additional tips in the comments below! 


Day Before:

- I mean this should be your goal everyday, but make sure you stay hydrated! On top of water throughout the day, I usually drink some Pedialyte the day/night before a race, too. 

- My ride for the day opens up my legs. Usually nothing too terribly long with some sprints thrown in. Aka whatever my coach tells me to do. More about him, here. 

- I clean my bike, shoes, kits, socks, etc. They are almost always dirty and you shouldn't show up with dirty gear, tisk tisk! Oh, and lube your chain. 

- Give you bike/gear a run down. This is a double check, NOT the first time you should be checking your bike for problems. An actual thorough run down of your gear should be done earlier in the week. Do NOT wait until the night before. Trust me, I date "King Bike Maintenance Procrastinator" who has run into mannnny problems because he waited until the night before. Don't do it, it's so stressful and you aren't always guaranteed to have it sorted out before the race.

- Pack everything food, drink and bike related! Bring two kits + socks incase you get your first one disgusting during warm up. PLENTY of water, any pre or post race fuel/hydration/recovery. Don't forget your number (if you're in a series) and license (I mean you should really just use the app)! I tend to overpack since I'll be at the venue all day watching everyone race after me. I'm prepared for rain or shine to ensure optimum spectator comfort as well as race comfort! Some of what is in my bag can be found, here. 

- Carb up at dinner time. I tend to go for pasta and broccoli, and I totally stay clear of cheese. It's usually some sort of variation of this. Everyone obviously goes for different things and this is the one for me. Oh and my breakfast and lunch are pretty standard, nothing fancy or out of the norm for me. 

- Shower and shave your legs! I hate showing up with hairy legs, I feel like I've ruined my race day if I do. It's my weird thing, I know. 

- Go ahead and plug the race venue address into your GPS to see how long it will take to get there. Set your alarm accordingly. I give myself drive time PLUS two hours before my race. 

- Get some good sleep! Night, night!

Race Day:

- Eat breakfast. For me it's oatmeal and espresso. More about what I eat, here. 

- Pack the car, get your GPS going, and you're off!

- Don't forget to turn on some good pump up music. Insert rap music here. 

- Like I said, I give myself 2 hours at the venue before my race to get ready. This is my personal preference because I want to handle my business before the race and not be frantic. Plus this gives me a buffer time incase anything sudden goes wrong with traffic, long check in line, warm up, getting dressed, etc, etc.

Alright, at this point you're at the race venue

- Go register asap! You never know what the line will be like. 

- Go to the bathroom. I'm serious because if you don't, the line will be so long and you'll be that person at the start line thinking "damn, I need to pee" and that is just the worst. 

- Get your tire pressure situated. 

- Check out the course and pre ride! Pay attention to turns, course features, best lines, etc

- Put spare wheels and bike in the pit. I don't do this, but if you have extra stuff, go for it. 

- Pin on race number, kit up, adjust tire pressure if needed, etc

- WATCH THE CLOCK and get to the start line early. Unless you have call-ups, you need to make sure you get a good starting position. 

Ok, now you're at the start line

- Is your Garmin started and are you in the right gear? Check. 

- Lastly, PMA. Tell yourself you are going to win. YOU ARE GOING TO WIN, YOU HEAR ME??


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Cyclocross : How I started

Cyclocross - the most suffering I’ve ever put myself though in cycling, but also the most fun. The biggest factor I notice when trying to encourage other females to race is pure self doubt which I can 100% relate to. So, story time.

My first experience with CX was strictly as a spectator where I went and watched an entire season. Through doing so, I met a few female racers who encouraged my friend and I to give it a try. With no previous desire or experience racing bikes, it sounded both exciting and insane. Finishing out the season of spectating, the idea of racing stayed in the back of my head. Would I actually do it next year? I mean, I want to, but who am I kidding - I have no clue what I’m doing, I don’t have a CX bike, my fitness is lacking and the list went on. Road season was approaching and that seemed interesting as well. I told myself that I would start by racing road. Yep, that’s what I was going to do. Spring time rolled around and I didn’t do it - I was too scared to race. There I was again - wishing I could be one of those girls. Instead, I was on the sidelines, week after week just watching. However, I was becoming an excellent spectator, if only they had podiums for that! After months of doubting myself, watching the road season come and go, and finding a thousand excuses as to why I couldn’t race, I made the move to buy a CX bike. I spent the end of the summer attending local gravel grinder rides, practicing the basics and attending a local clinic. I’d ride to a park near my house and Zach would show me what Adam Myerson taught him at his clinic. He would show me something and nail it. I would immediately be too scared to do it, the attempt would be hesitant, then I would fall and my doubts appeared again. I didn’t always understand how to do something I was shown and there is still a lot that I don’t know how to execute. (For example, how to take a corner properly - help!). When I didn’t have anyone to help me, I spent plenty of time watching YouTube videos to try and understand some of the skills. As daunting as practice was, the season quickly approached and it was time to apply what I had learned. On a brisk morning, I finally showed up to race for the very first time. (Hooray! I finally showed up!) Already a nervous wreck, I began making my way to the start line. As I lifted up the course tape to go under it, I accidentally caught it on my bike and pulled bright yellow tape several feet and didn’t even realize I was doing it! THEN, when I finally lined up, I leaned into a thorn bush and a few girls around me had to help me pluck thorns off my jersey. It was all super embarrassing and it didn’t feel like I was off to a great start! Honestly though, I was so nervous, that all of those silly mistakes kind of felt like a blur at the time.

Once the official said go, we all took off and I gave it my all. Suddenly all of those nervous fumbles went away and do you know why? Because when it’s all actually happening you don’t have time to even think about it - you just do it. Those moments during practice when you stop right before you go over the barrier and have to work yourself up to it again are gone! There is no split second for you to say, “I can’t” or wonder if you’ll fall. Everyone is right next to you, you’re all hurting, you’re all new and you’re all making mistakes. But you know what, at least you’re all out there doing it. Week after week I kept coming back. I kept making more friends and I kept getting a little bit better. I also never pulled the course tape with my bike again, but I have seen someone else do it! See! I wasn’t the only one and whatever mistake you might make - trust me someone has done it before and someone else will do it again.

With that being said, the same beginner clinic I attended before racing my first season, is the one I photographed on Monday. Everyone was welcome with any bike they could find. We had about 20 people show up of all ages and skill level. Some people were so nervous and had never tried anything CX related before. The clinic only covered the basics, so don’t feel like because you don’t have a local clinic that you can’t attempt CX. I’ve attached a few links below that have helped me.

Trish covered the following things:
Rules of Racing
General Attire
Mounting and Dismounting
Shouldering the Bike

If you want to learn about these skills and more, I would suggest the following link:
Global Cycling Network Youtube CX Videos

I really hope that if you’re interested in racing, but you’re full of self doubt, that you finally build up the courage to just go out there and do it.

Read the original posting on the Specialized Find Your Fast blog, here

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Mae Lutz Mae Lutz

CX Practice - Join Us! Sunday, September 20th at 9AM

9:00 AM Sunday Morning 09/20/2015: Cyclocross Practice at Conyers Horse Park in Georgia (I recommend clicking HERE for the exact Google Maps pin drop).

Just like the last practice, we’ll have a functioning cross course set up with grass, dirt, rocks, single track, barriers, run ups, technical sections, slow sections, fast sections and everything cross related! Come out, do some laps, do some mock races and have fun. Zach and I always appreciate anyone who can come early/stay late for a few minutes to help set up/take down cones and barriers!

This is an open invite! Invite your friends, family, mortal enemies! Share this post if you want... we'd love to see a bunch of faces again this weekend!

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Mae Lutz Mae Lutz

CX Practice - Join Us! Tomorrow, September 5th at 9AM

9:00 AM Saturday Morning 09/05/2015: Cyclocross Practice at Conyers Horse Park in Atlanta - We’ll have a fully functioning cross course set up with grass, dirt, rocks, single track, barriers, run ups, technical sections, slow sections, fast sections and everything cross related! Come out, do some laps, do some mock races, have fun, do cross stuff! Show up a few minutes early to help set up cones and barriers if you can!

This is an open invite! Invite your friends, family, mortal enemies! Share this post if you want... we'd love to see a bunch of faces Saturday morning!

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