Cozy Coupe Makeover

Supplies Used:


  1. Remove any stickers and any removable plastic pieces with a flat head screw driver (gas tank cap, headlights, tail lights, hub caps, etc). If I could go back I would have disassembled the top from the bottom. There are step by step videos on Youtube for assembling the Cozy Coupe. If you don’t want to remove these things then cover them with plastic bags and painters tape.

2. Apply All Purpose Bondo (use directions on container) to any holes left behind from removing unwanted pieces. My cozy coupe was the lady bug so I filled in holes on the top of the car and on the dash where the attenas and eyes were.

3. Sand the All Purpose Bondo and give the entire car a once over with 220 grit Sandpaper.

4. Wash the car with soap and water. Let dry.

5. Cover the wheels, and anything else you don’t want to get paint on, with tape and plastic bags if you didn’t remove them.

6. Give the entire car a coat of spray primer for plastic.

7. Spray the entire car with the colors of your choice. Let dry, remove any tape you may have added. Touch up paint as needed.

8. Seal your masterpiece with several coats of clear sealer spray paint, allowing the car to dry between coats.

9. Remove the plastic bags from anything you were protecting (wheels, steering wheels, etc)

10. Apply automotive trim. This is such a nice touch! Highly recommend. TIP: Measure AND CUT the trim before applying, If you have to lift the trim up to cut it , you’ll peel back the paint.

11. Replace any plastic parts that you removed that you want back on the car like headlights, gas tank cap, etc.

12. Add special touches like VW logo, or in my case, I used custom name plates from Etsy using construction adhesive.


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