One Pot Pasta

One Pot Pasta (serves 4):

I'm not much of a cook, so I go for simple and quick. This is a big go-to option for me since it's really low maintenance, fast and I can put in whatever I have in the fridge. It's extremely customizable so add as little or as many vegetables as you'd like.

Ingredients for the pasta pot:
12 oz pasta

3 cups sliced mushrooms

4 cups broccoli

8oz grape tomatoes

1/4 cup cilantro

6 cloves chopped garlic

1/2 teaspoon chili flakes

2 teaspoon olive oil

2-3 thin slices of lime (lime is strong to cook with, so if you aren't keen on it, use even less)

2 tablespoons olive oil

4 cups water (or you can use broth)

Ingredients for each persons individual bowl:
1/2 cup of spinach
Hot Sauce to taste (I use about a 1/2-1 tablespoon of Franks Red Hot Sauce)
Parmesan cheese (to taste)

Combine all of the ingredients for the "pasta pot." Turn the heat on high, bring to a boil, stir frequently, and let it cook until noodles are al dente (it took mine about 9 minutes). 

This is where I serve each individual bowl in my house since we all like our pasta seasoned differently, and Zach is a vegan so he skips the cheese. For mine, I stir in a handful of spinach while the pasta is still hot, Franks Red Hot Sauce and Parmesan cheese. Enjoy!


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